The Fun Grade 5 Music Theory Course that Works
0 to Grade 5 Theory Courses in 2 Days & Grade 8 Theory Courses
Next Grade 5 Course 3rd/4th April 2025
A-Level / GCSE Courses
Now online!
Please ring 0118 9712555 or email
What is the difference between a German 6th and a Neapolitan 6th? Do you get your secondary dominants confused with your diminished 7ths? Does pandiatonicism scare you as much as melody dominated homophony?
​Truly they are just words and once you understand the facts behind them you can move forward and enjoy your musical studies.
​The course runs from 10am to 3pm and is broken up into sections with academic work and activities including cooking. Of course, you may already be a brilliant cook in which case you can share your tips!
We cover:
Performance (easy for most musicians)
Composition (we actually teach you how to compose…not sit in a room trying to get inspiration!)
Appraisal, your set works need to become familiar and known
For A level, harmonising Bach chorales
​Everything is provided from aprons to pencils and you will eat a good lunch each day as well as numerous snacks! Or make your own whilst online!